The question that seems to be on everyone’s lips on the social media marketing team is “How can I increase the number of Facebook likes?”

This has led to tactics emerging to increase engagement by posting frenzied Facebook updates many times a day. Brand pages are offering incentives, bribes and tactics that look very much like begging.
Just to gain those precious additional likes.
The magic marketing goals often heard around the water cooler are 1,000, 10,000 or even 100,000 Facebook fans. Always numbers with many zeros.
It all has become a bit unseemly really.
Despite large fan counts being the social media managers holy grail, the core challenge on Facebook is that it is filtered. It is lucky if even 15% of updates such as photos, quotes and videos even appear in people’s Facebook timelines.
This filter on Facebook is due to censoring being applied by the social network called “Edge Rank”.
So the question that needs to be asked is this “Is a Facebook like worth what we think it is?”
The Twitter advantage
Twitter might seem a bit more wild west. But its advantage is that is not filtered. Every tweet appears in your followers streams.
This is something that the marketing team quite often forgets.
What is not appreciated by many is that it is easier to build a loyal tribe of fans on Twitter who are interested in your content and subject than it is on Facebook.
Maybe you should rethink your social media strategy?
Top tactics to gain more Twitter followers
So how do you get more Twitter followers?
40 ways to increase your Twitter tribe
So you are still short of ideas? Here is an infographic to get you started.

Infographic Source: Twiends
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This has led to tactics emerging to increase engagement by posting frenzied Facebook updates many times a day. Brand pages are offering incentives, bribes and tactics that look very much like begging.
Just to gain those precious additional likes.
The magic marketing goals often heard around the water cooler are 1,000, 10,000 or even 100,000 Facebook fans. Always numbers with many zeros.
It all has become a bit unseemly really.
Despite large fan counts being the social media managers holy grail, the core challenge on Facebook is that it is filtered. It is lucky if even 15% of updates such as photos, quotes and videos even appear in people’s Facebook timelines.
This filter on Facebook is due to censoring being applied by the social network called “Edge Rank”.
So the question that needs to be asked is this “Is a Facebook like worth what we think it is?”
The Twitter advantage
Twitter might seem a bit more wild west. But its advantage is that is not filtered. Every tweet appears in your followers streams.
This is something that the marketing team quite often forgets.
What is not appreciated by many is that it is easier to build a loyal tribe of fans on Twitter who are interested in your content and subject than it is on Facebook.
Maybe you should rethink your social media strategy?
Top tactics to gain more Twitter followers
So how do you get more Twitter followers?
- Follow people on Twitter. The law of reciprocation is what works with this tactic
- Have great content that links from your Twitter account. People will check you out and if your content is good on your blog or website then it is more likely you will be followed
- Engage with your followers on Twitter with retweets, comments and questions
- Make it easy for people to follow you on Twitter from your website by including a follow me on Twitter button that is obvious and near the top of your page
40 ways to increase your Twitter tribe
So you are still short of ideas? Here is an infographic to get you started.
Infographic Source: Twiends
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